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While he might have been thought to like those of the opposite sex before, at least he has seen these scenarios on TV, in movies, or maybe even on the internet, which triggered his hidden desires about those who are the same as him. The one thing that has been true in the minds of these gay teens (18/19) is being able to experience how it really is to be held by another man. There's nothing better than being able to handle every aspect around you, regardless if you're gay or not. He's out of his parents' home and he now has total control over his life. Now that he has reached the legal age of eighteen, there's no one who could stop him in realizing what his feelings really are deep inside except himself. He had just started being able to express himself, as he had been hiding who he really was inside all these years.

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Nothing screams young, wild, and free more than a gay teen (18/19).

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